100% Safe Checked Drivers
Pay with Credit/Debit Card
Excellent Comfort
No Smoking
WiFi and other features
English-Speaking Drivers

0,70 lv. | 0,90 lv.
2.45 lv. | 2,82 lv.
1,22 lv.
0,22 lv.
1,40 lv.
0,22 lv.

Transfers to a chosen destination
0,77 lv.
0,90 lv.
One way transfers in Bulgaria /per car/
159 lv. | € 82
99 lv. | € 52
89 lv. | € 47
69 lv. | € 36
349 lv. | € 180
408 lv. | € 209
223 lv. | € 115
149 lv. | € 77
239 lv. | € 119
359 lv. | € 179
199 lv. | € 119
139 lv. | € 69
99 lv. | € 49
59 lv. | € 29
259 lv. | € 129
139 lv. | € 69
359 lv. | € 189
359 lv. | € 189
199 lv. | € 99
One way transfers outside Bulgaria /per car/
799 lv. | € 449
379 lv. | € 199
899 lv. | € 449
379 lv. | € 199
699 lv. | € 349
379 lv. | € 199
239 lv. | € 119
299 lv. | € 149
Try Our App
Our app is intuitive and easy to use. Just select pickup address/current location then choose destination & pickup time and after couple of minutes one of our drivers will be with you

Through our app you can:
Book a ride now or later (up to 20 days)
Save your favorite places for easier booking
See fare and time estimates before you book
Choose specific options for your trip (vehicle type, luggage, payment type etc.)
Track your taxi on the map in real time
Check trip and receipt history for past rides
Try our tours around Bulgaria giving you the possibilities to quickly explore and experience the beauties of our country from the comfort of a car, taking you to any point that you desire. You will be accompanied by a local English speaking driver which will show you all the hints and tips you can’t find in any guide book

- $99
- Mileage: Duration: 4 hours
- Distance: 110 km
- Style: Walking
- Level: Beginner

- $39
- Mileage: Duration: 2 hours
- Distance: 25 km
- Style: Walking
- Level: Beginner

- $99
- Mileage: Duration: 6 hours
- Distance: 130 km
- Style: City Walkthrough
- Level: Beginner

- $140
- Mileage: Duration: 10 hours
- Distance: 240 km
- Style: Walking
- Level: Advanced

- $99
- Mileage: Duration: 4 hours
- Distance: 120 km
- Style: Walking
- Level: Beginner